The Handmade Feature today is an interview with the owner of the Whiskey Darling store on Etsy which sells unique statement resin jewellery in burlesque and steampunk styles:
How did you get started in your handmade business? I pretty much started making my resin jewelry strictly out of the need for giant statement pieces for myself that I couldn’t find anywhere. I lovingly refer to this need as the Mrs. Roper syndrome:) But seriously, I’ve found that the best way to cultivate your signature style is to create the things that you might not be able to find pre-made.
What first made you want to become an artist/craftsperson? I’ve always loved the idea of having something one of a kind that no one else has. One of my favorite movies growing up was Pretty In Pink. I just loved how Molly Ringwald’s character turned an old dress into something new for her…only, I also kind of liked the way the cute vintage dress looked like to begin with also… I guess I just liked that she didn’t go to the “richie” mall to get a dress.
Apart fom crafts, what do you like to do in your spare time? Spare time? What’s that? My first preference is to spend time with my awesome husband, Troy and clever cat, Maeby. But, I have my day job (yuck) that takes up too much of my time. I’m also an amateur burlesque performer and I spend a few weekends a month performing at various venues around Colorado. When I’m not making jewelry, I’m working hard on costumes for the new acts that I have coming up.
How long have you been creating art/crafts and how long have you been selling online? I’ve been making crafts ever since I can remember. I think my first items were probably dresses for my barbies. I’ve been selling online off and on since 2008.
How many different places do you sell from? I used to sell at a few boutiques around Colorado and one in New Orleans, but now I’m focusing strictly on online sales. Right now it’s just my etsy site (http://www.etsy.com/shop/whiskeydarling) But I also have a blog that has- drumroll, please- 5 followers…one of them is my husband. Oh well. My blog: whiskeydarling.blogspot.com
What handmade possession do you most cherish? I just recieved a wonderful portrait that a friend painted of myself and my husband. It’s a great folk-artsy piece that I think she meant to be a silly gift, but I adore it!
If you had to recommend one movie, which perhaps isn’t so well known, which one would it be? I just saw the documentary “Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work.” It was fantastic!
Have any pets? I have my darling cat Maeby (named after the Arrested Development character). She is half Maine Coon and half domestic short hair…but I suspect that she is also part monkey…
Do you collect anything? Yep- Jackalopes. Anything Jackalope. I love them. I also kind of believe that they exist, but I’ve only seen the does;)
How did you come up with your shop name? Actually, Whiskey Darling is my burlesque name. I used to sell under Shady Lady, but there were a few other businesses with that name as well, so I decided to streamline things and just work under my burlesque alter-ego.
Hope you enjoyed this week’s installment!