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How to Add a New Ball of Yarn

2 Different Ways to Change Yarn

It is vital to learn how to switch to a new ball of yarn when knitting, so that when you run out of yarn you can switch to a new piece as seamlessly as possible.

The video lesson below shows you 2 different ways to change a ball of yarn.

The first is called the Russian Join and creates a neat and secure join, plus you don't need to weave in yarn tail ends (woo!)

The second method is the most common method and involves simply just adding in the new ball of yarn without a particular join to speak of, and then weaving in the yarn tails later.

You can also change to a different colour of yarn using this technique, as long as you do it at the start of a row.

How to Add a New Ball of Yarn

I hope this lesson was useful to you :)

How to Add a New Ball of Yarn
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