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How to Knit Double and Triple
"I-Cord" Selvedges
Neat & Stable Selvedges Either 2 or 3 Stitches Wide
How to Knit Double & Triple "I-Cord" Edges | Easy Selvedge Knitting Tutorial | 2 or 3 Stitches Wide
These double and triple "I-cord" edges are easy to add to any knitting pattern to create a smooth and neat selvedges.
In comparison to the classic I-cord edging I previously made a video about, these edging techniques are more equal in width on both sides, and therefore have a neater and more balanced appearance.
The double selvedge is 2 stitches wide, and the triple selvedge is 3 stitches wide, and the stitches wrap around the edges to produce quite a chunky and stable edging. They're really easy to knit, so are great for beginners to try too.
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