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How to Knit the Neatest

"I-Cord" Edging

My Mashup of Other Edging Techniques

How to Knit the Neatest "I-Cord" Edges | Mashup of Selvedge Finishing Techniques

Last but not least, this is my favourite "I-cord" edging technique, and  is basically a 'mashup' of the techniques I've taught in my previous 2  videos; the classic i-cord edge and the double & triple selvedges.

These  edges are stable, neat and smooth, and are built into the selvedges of  the knitting. You can choose to make them 2 stitches or 3 stitches  wide.  The reason I like these edges the best is that they are the most  even and symmetrical.

The  other "i-cord edge" methods I've taught are widely used and accepted  methods, but I either found them to be unsymmetrical, or I found it  difficult to produce an equal tension on both edges. One edge always  seemed to be looser than the other.  With the technique in this video, I  found it easier to produce more equal tension, and, put simply, they  just look the best!  I hope you like the results as much as me :)

How to Knit the Neatest
"I-Cord" Edging

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How to Knit the Neatest
"I-Cord" Edging
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