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Reverse Stockinette Stitch

A Simple Concept that Creates Texture Contrasts

The reverse stockinette stitch is simply the reverse of the stockinette stitch, which is the most popular stitch in knitting.

When I was learning to knit and I first heard of the reverse stockinette stitch, I was confused about why it was needed and what it was used for...after all, couldn't you just knit stockinette stitch and then flip it over??

Well, yes you could if a knitting project was made only of reverse stockinette stitch, but that just doesn't happen; no project is made entirely of reverse stockinette stitch.

Instead, reverse stockinette stitch is placed next to other stitches (usually stockinette stitch) in order to contrast with it.

For example, knitted stockinette stitch cables are often placed on a background of reverse stockinette. This is so the background has an obviously different texture to the cables, therefore helping them to stand out more (rather than blend in with the background).

Here is a video which will demonstrate what I mean, and show you real examples:

Reverse Stockinette Stitch

Whilst  stockinette stitch has the 'wavy' patterned side on the back (i.e. the  purl side) and the 'chevron' patterned side on the front (i.e. the knit  side), the reverse stockinette is obviously the other way around with  the wavy side at the front, and the chevrons side at the back.

If  you've ever looked closely at stockinette stitch, you will notice that  the chevrons side is thinner and smoother, whilst the wavy side is  chunkier and more textured.

This  is why stockinette stitch is often paired up next to the reverse  stockinette stitch; because the textures of the stitches on each side  differ vastly and therefore contrast greatly.

From  the right side, comparing the stitches side-by-side makes the  stockinette stitch look 'recessed' next to the chunkier reverse  stockinette stitch which seems to 'stand out' a lot more and sit further  forward.

You'll  often see knitted 3D elements such as cables, which are designed to  stand out, being knit in stockinette stitch, with reverse stockinette  stitch completely surrounding it. This works really well at giving the  knitted element more definition, stopping it blending into the  background, and making it 'pop' more.

Essentially reverse stockinette is used alongside other stitches to add depth to your knitting.


I hope you have found this page helpful :)

Reverse Stockinette Stitch
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