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I’m Off!

I’m setting off to Tuscany (Italy) for nearly 3 weeks today, for my first foreign holiday since I started this blog… So exciting!

We’re driving down there which will be fun lol (we drove to Venice years ago and it was interesting and brilliant scenery, but the driver (dad) was rather stressy to say the least, we didn’t – and still don’t – have air conditioning, and Italian drivers like to use their car horns A LOT!). We’re getting a sat nav this time so I can only hope it helps because nobody can map read!

My (not-so) little brother is looking after the house while we’re away, so we could come back to find it’s been turned into party central haha

I’m taking some watercolours and a sketchbook because I really want to teach myself to paint while I’m there, so we’ll see whether I actually do any when the beach is calling 🙂

I’ll post my photos when I get back, and don’t worry about the blog – I’ve scheduled daily posts for when I’m away…Ciao!

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