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Lemon Roulade

The above lemon roulade is from the Delia Smith recipe here.

It is, however, quite long-winded compared to my favourite, and most-guarded recipe of all time (until now that is!).

I will now give you my concise and ever-so-easy recipe that a) tastes delicious and b) looks amazing – in fact, people will never believe how easy it is!

I wheel this trusty recipe out at every occasion and it never fails, so I hope it serves you well 🙂

Drum roll please…


5 (large) egg whites

7oz caster sugar

1 level tsp sifted cornflour

Icing sugar for dusting

8 tbsp lemon curd (pre-made jar)

½ pint double cream

Also need greaseproof paper and swiss roll tin / baking tray (approx. 13×8 inches)


1) Set the oven to 300°F / 150°C / Gas mark 2.

2) Whisk the egg whites until stiff and then add 1tsp of caster sugar. Whisk again until it forms peaks.

3) Add ½ the remaining sugar and whisk until forming peaks again, and then do the same with the rest of the sugar and the cornflour.

4) Spoon the mixture into a baking tin lined with greaseproof paper.

5) Bake for 45 minutes, then take out of the oven and leave to cool for about an hour.

6) Turn the meringue carefully onto a sheet of greaseproof paper which has been dusted with icing sugar.

7) Peel off the greaseproof paper which is on the top of the meringue.

8) Whip the double cream in a bowl until thick (but do not over-whip) and then stir in the lemon curd.

9) Spread it over the meringue, then use the edge of the greaseproof paper underneath the meringue by lifting it up to carefully roll the meringue (see photo above), whilst peeling away the paper.

10) Enjoy!

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